Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Cards

I love them.  Like I mean, really, really love them.  Could have something to do with all of the moving around, but Christmas cards very nearly bring me to tears.  When my hubby walked in the door this evening with a mitt full of cards that arrived a few days after Christmas I felt like we'd found an extra present under the tree.  The cheesy family photos where someone's hair is always looking a little funky or where someone's kids are so beautiful you want to take your own kids for haircuts and new wardrobes immediately.  The letters that you know really only highlight the good stuff and leave out reality but somehow make you feel connected anyway.  And can I just say that photo cards are the best thing to ever happen to this sacred tradition?  Every year I completely cover a couple of doors with beautiful pictures of family and friends and smile each time I walk by them.  They hang out long after the tree has been packed up and then are retired to shoe boxes with the promise of a permanent scrapbook home someday.  May never happen, but I take comfort in my own good intentions.  So early December, mid-January, Merry Valentines Day -- I'm not picky, just keep them coming.  Because they feel like little stitches in the tapestry of our transient lives.  Seeing all those smiling faces in one (or two, depending on the economy that year) place makes my heart happy.


Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Blessings

So another Christmas has come and gone and I find myself reflecting on what an amazing year this has been!  This Christmas I really couldn't care less what was under the tree (although everyone was thoroughly spoiled, as usual) or what we were eating (again, most of the goodies got made anyway) because I just couldn't get past this overwhelming feeling of being so completely and utterly blessed in the big things that the little things just didn't matter.  For the first time in a long time I kind of felt like I 'got it' this year.  Although I didn't get the gingerbread house decorated and we forgot to leave out milk and cookies, I did not forget to be grateful.  For family.  For a warm home.  For satisfied bellies.  For our adorable baby girl treasure.  For our beautiful boys.  For friends who feel like family when we are far away from home.  For our church.  For the promise of exciting times ahead as we make the trek from east to west this spring.  For an amazing husband who truly is the helpmate God intended.  For the incredible gift of God's son. 

And so, while an astounding number of people bicker over whether or not we should say 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Holidays', and whether or not it is constitutional to have a nativity scene on a courthouse lawn, I can't help but think that it doesn't matter.  Christmas is Christmas whether everyone wants to call it that or not.  On December 25th we celebrate the birth of the Savior.  Inventing new names for this celebration doesn't change the fact that it happened and that we are all well aware of what we are celebrating.  So I wish a 'Merry Christmas' to everyone I see and say a prayer that I will never let the voices of a few rob me of my joy and peace during this most sacred time of the year. 

